My Pencil & colour world
Me & My Pencil & colurs As a child I was shy, introvert, takes time to open up & get mixed with other kids my parents were worried especially my mother whenever I used to go to my granny’s town I used to play alone my granny too observed this. Sometimes my mother used to draw sparrow, crow for me N tell me to fill the colours as a child I used to do what my mother told me. As days passed into years & as middle school goer I was interested in drawing. In high school I selected drawing as my optional subject to music where Mrs. Vaze was my drawing teacher. She was very silent, skillful art teacher who makes our time wonderful by telling the history of drawing in India along with sketches. The first introduction of pencil sketches to me was at that time. She used to gives us subject & guide us & gave freedom to our ideas to draw what’s in our mind. I know being a eight standard student when she gave us subject & told us to draw Co...